Somebody Please Lock AdderallDrug Topic to a null/blank. Spammers keep screwing with it. Thanks
There's no capability to lock pages. -- MichaelSparks
Okay, if somebody has a frequent-period edit-bot, we'd appreciate it if you put the stated topic on the list. Thanks.
[I've been planning to add the page to the SharkBot's bag of tricks, and have experimented with using the existing mechanisms to do it, but they're not really suited to the task. It needs a bit of trivial development work, but I simply haven't had time of late to do it. Maybe this weekend.] -- DaveVoorhis
Wikizens have been doing a good job of deleting the spam several times a day, I don't think we need to add this page to automated bot warring. In the future instead of deleting the page, I'll simply restore the last copy I have on my machine, others can do likewise. -- DonaldNoyes
[Your objection is noted, however I have put the SharkBot on the case. Restoring to anything except 'delete' will cause the page content to be automatically replaced with 'delete'. The page can then be deleted by anyone. I consider this experimental; we'll see how it works.] -- DaveVoorhis
Dave, the problem seems acute this morning (my time in UK 10 a.m., 20071216). I have deleted it several times and it keeps coming back. -- JohnFletcher
This is becoming a severe problem, for several days by now (20080112) that topic keeps coming back again and again. Shall we give up and keep it the way it is, or does anybody plan to do something about it? -- PhilippeDetournay
As far as I know, WardsWiki does not have any facilities to lock a page. Ward would have to implement something. The page is being spammed by a WikiSpamBot that uses a frequently-changing set of IP addresses, so it can't be reliably blocked by IP. -- DaveVoorhis
This is my suggestion, and what I am doing: Every time the AdderallDrug page gets spammed, replace the spam content with this single line:
Use "See AdderallDrugDiscussion."
The spammers seem to be completely clueless about all the pages on this Wiki except the AdderallDrug page, so putting the content on another page, and continuing it there seems to make the content and discussion largely immune to the current spammers.
There. Problem solved. At least for now. ;-> -- JeffGrigg
There's an easy solution - ChangeTheCodeWord
On the file system of my wiki, when a page begins to get spammed, I simply use this unix command in my crontab:
cd wiki && chmod o-w SpamTargets `cat SpamTargets`
where SpamTargets is a wiki page collecting the page names that seem to be targeted. If anyone has access to the file system of this wiki, I recommend it. See also, and try to change my SpamTargets -- ChrisGarrod