Some Wisdom

last modified: August 6, 2003

An old bull and a young bull were on top of a hill looking down at the huge herd of cows grazing in the fields below. The young bull said, "I'm gonna charge down this hill, jump over that hedge and shag the ass off one of those cows!"

The old bull chewed some grass and said "Go ahead". He chewed some more grass and said, "I'm going to walk down the hill, go around the hedge and shag the asses of all of those cows!"

A poor young peasant met an old wandering sage just outside his village. "This is amazing!" he said to the sage, "I dreamt last night about this. I asked you for a precious stone and you gave me one and I became the richest man in the land!" The old sage reached into his sack and brought forth the largest diamond ever seen. "Could this be what you are talking about? I found it a long time ago in a cave. It's very heavy and I'd love to be rid of it - would you take it?" The young peasant took the diamond and ran off full of joy. He sat under a tree to consider what to do next. He worried that people might kill him and steal his diamond. He worried that when he tried to sell it, he would be cheated. He worried how this unaccustomed new wealth would change his life. That evening he went to where the old sage was camped by the river and said to him, "Please take back this stone. Instead, can you give me some of the wealth you have that allows you to give away this diamond so easily?" The old sage threw the diamond into the river and bade the youth to sit with him. "The wealth you seek is called Wisdom. Become my student and I will share what little I have of it with you as we wander about the World".

Nothing that seems is as it seems.

You can also read Steinbeck's "The Pearl". Why?

A VeryOldPerson or OldTimer is often a good source of wisdom.
