Let's all try to chip in some info to help our fellow programmers who are out of work in different cities of the US and the world.
Let's write down names of companies working in software in and around Boston. There ought to be a better way than this; sadly, while there are jobs sites and recruiters there is no listing of software engineering companies. A raw listing is nice because not all employers advertise on jobs sites or with recruiters, and not all positions are advertised. So it can pay to cold-send a resumé to potential employers, especially if you already have contact with someone on the inside.
Software companies
ScanSoft (nee Dragon Systems) http://www.scansoft.com/ They specialize in voice and imaging software, such as DragonNaturallySpeaking.
Houghton Mifflin http://www.hmco.com/ The interactive, the multimedia department and the dictionaries on CD-Rom department have programmers working for them.
Aciron Consulting http://www.aciron.com/
Avid http://www.avid.com/ Specializing in non-linear media, such as digital video (and audio) editing, compositing, animation, broadcast content management, and on and on. Avid also owns DigiDesign http://www.digidesign.com/ and SoftImage http://www.softimage.com/.
OpenPages http://www.openpages.com/ Enterprise Compliance Management Solutions.
Cakewalk http://www.cakewalk.com/ Music sequencing and notation applications.
Symantec http://www.symantec.com/
The MathWorks http://www.mathworks.com/
VirtualIron http://www.virtualiron.com/ Produces a clustering system that allows you to create and manage virtual and physical machines dynamically in a cluster.
ChoiceStream http://www.choicestream.com/ Develops a next-generation Internet recommendations technology used by companies including AOL.
Groove Mobile (nee Chaoticom) http://www.groovemobile.net/ Develops software that allows cell phone users to stream music.
VoiceSignal Technologies http://www.voicesignal.com/ Develops voice-recognition software for cell phones.
Web companies:
Terra Lycos http://www.terralycos.com/ The people who do Lycos, Wired, Angelfire, Tripod, HotBot, Webmonkey, Matchmaker, and a bunch more.
TimeWarner http://www.timewarner.com/ Owner of AOL and Netscape.
TypeFoundry GalapagosDesignGroup http://www.galapagosdesign.com
Embedded software companies
3Com http://www.3com.com/
Nokia http://www.nokia.com/
Siemens http://www.siemens.com/
EMC http://www.emc.com/ Enterprise storage: RAID arrays and the like.
Oasis Semiconductor http://www.oasissemi.com/ Multi-functional controllers: Copy, scan, fax, print, and photo.
Bose http://www.bose.com/
Gemstar-TV Guide http://www.gemstartvguide.com/ Electronic Program Guide set-top technology (also non-embedded engineers)
M/A-COM http://www.macom.com/ A division of Tyco Electronics. RF, Microwave, communications systems.
Other companies with software engineers
MFS Investment Management http://www.mfs.com/
Raytheon http://www.raytheon.com/ Major defense contractor
Litle & Co. http://www.litle.com/ Credit Card Payments Processor and Payments Intelligence Provider