Social Networks Experiment

last modified: June 16, 2005

In Huntsville (the city I live in), people often joke how "the world has six degrees of separation, but Huntsville has just two." In that spirit I decided to try a an experiment with SocialNetworks to see if I could get two people who didn't know each other to recognize each other as "on the network".

The experiment needed the following properties:

To accomplish this, I did the following:

and. . . I finally got a hit! A girl who started working at a new restaurant recognized another playing with the toy and introduced herself - then reported the incident back to me.

I knew Huntsville was small. . .

Fidget toy pic


There is a similar "experiment" (not in the scientific sense) being done with US and Canadian paper currency at

See for the Euro and other currencies.

See: SocialNetworks SixDegreesOfSeparationTheory

