Should Wiki Tolerate Abusive People

last modified: May 22, 2008

Some believe heavily in CriticizeBluntly and constantly insult people personally, not just their ideas. Should the wiki community tolerate such activity? Occasional flair-ups are expected, but relentless personal insults just create a "hostile working environment" and serve no useful purpose. OnceAndOnlyOnce can apply to insults also.

(Let's narrow this to personal insults since the potential scope of "bad behavior" is very wide.)

Such as people who use phrases like "eff off", and "he got my goat", and "you're just a lowly academic", and... Yeah, should wiki tolerate such Top (bottom) minded people?

Just for comparison: This wiki tolerated RichardKulisz quite a long time and he was the prototype of abusive people. So I guess Top is well in the tolerated range. Actually I consider him not really abusive though agree that he gets that if the debate gets heated, but then both sides have their share in it I guess.

The irony is that I think Top created this page, as if he is complaining that other people are the problem. It's not other people, it's everyone, or it is Top himself too. He creates the page, as if he is the angel. In fact he is a hypocrite. We all are a bit hypocritical, but we have to watch ourselves in the mirror closely...

I think this wiki must tolerate abusive people to a larger degree than society at large because it focusses on topics that require (or usually come with) a deep technical insight which is usually found in people that spend lots of time on these issues. And this often causes self-confidence (otherwise they would have left a long time ago, they piles success on success by this strategy). And self-confidence correlates with arrogance and hypocrisy.

Yes, and some are overly sensitive instead of just following the GetOverIt pattern.
