Shifting The Burden

last modified: May 18, 2006

One of the systems patterns outlined in TheFifthDiscipline. In it, a process which offers a symptomatic solution gains momentum at the expense of a more fundamental solution because of the delay involved in realizing the effect of the fundamental solution.

Sometimes, the symptomatic solution has additional feedback which reinforces itself. Generally, there is at least the force of habit; however, if you suggest that alcoholism fits this pattern, chemical dependency is an additional reinforcing feedback.

The solution is to enact any measures which de-emphasize the symptomatic solution and emphasize the fundamental solution.

Here's a full diagram found at random on the web. (If image linking like this is a copyright issue, then remove it. DeleteWhenCooked)

The upper loop is the symptomatic solution, the lower the fundamental solution, the little ticks in the lower loop represent the delays, and the bubble on the right side is the reinforcing feedback.

The accompanying article (looks good):
