DonaldNoyes from JohnFletcher
- Hey, Donald, this looks amazing. I have just been looking at my own HomePage on the FederatedWiki pages. I can see that a different font size or page strategy (smaller) will be needed. How do I join in? I am very interested in effective communication tools
- reply:
- to get started, go to and follow the directions. Also view the videos Ward has prepared.
DonaldNoyes from GunnarZarncke
- Hi,
- from your edits I discovered this too and created
- Seems I overlooked an old wiki mail from you: "From DonaldNoyes ->"
- reply
- It will be found in orginal form at
here in tabular form:
- Gunnar, ThinkingOutLoud is merely my way of recording first mind impressions
- related to Wiki and organization of information mostly
- It is one facet of thinking were insights and mind flashes are recorded
- with the intent and sometimes the actuality of someone else contributing to what is thought about
- but only in the process of becoming something with a real handle on it
- I may be in the middle of something and have a wiki-related thought
How to get an Open Id
- You may already have one