Self Tuning Databases

last modified: January 11, 2006

This page sprang from reading a paper given at VLDB 2000, the conference of the VeryLargeDatabaseFoundation.

Download a PDF of the paper from "Rethinking Database System Architecture: Towards a Self-Tuning RISC-Style Database System"

The points made by Chaudhuri and Weikum are as follows (their bullet points)

The writers go on to talk about maintenance costs etc and suggest that the DBMS world is in crisis. They point out that most projects don't need a full on DBMS and could do with something simpler and more reliable (and cheaper). Following from this they suggest that for the most part we could live with NetApp-style 'network bricks' providing database functionality, without SQL, and make 'auto-tuning' the main goal instead of adding features. Auto-tunable systems are limited to fairly simple DBMS implementations, but this is all most of us need.

Its an interesting paper, you should read it in full rather than dismiss this halfbaked summary (it is aimed at a general technical audience).

See also: MultiParadigmDatabase SufficientlySmartDatabase
