A YahooGroup (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/scrumtoronto/) founded by some graduates of a 2003 ScrumMasterCertification class, but open to anyone actively interested in the subject of ScrumProcess and related practices. update 6 Sep 2010 **Broken link** this yahoo group no longer exists
Our little wiki is hosted by ScrumStudyGroupRegistry at: http://wiki.scrums.org/index.cgi?ScrumToronto update 6 Sep 2010 **Broken link** the scrums.org domain is no longer in use
It is mainly used to organise real live meetings in the Toronto area for discussion of ScrumProcess.
Online discussion of ScrumProcess happens on the ScrumDevelopment or TorontoXpUsersGroup YahooGroups.
CategoryScrum | CategoryGroup | CanadaCountry