Scratch Language Commands

last modified: April 20, 2014

As Scratch is a GUI based programming language, here is the key for the symbol usage in the lists:

The commands used in the ProgrammingLanguage Scratch (ScratchLanguage) are as follows:

Scratch 1.4

Scratch - If <=>

JavaScript - If (...){...},

SmallBasic - If ... Then

Scratch - Else

JavaScript - Else {...},

SmallBasic - Else

Scratch - When <GreenFlagIcon> Clicked

JavaScript - <script type="text/javascript"> OR Start of code

SmallBasic - Start of code

Scratch - Stop all <RedStopIcon>

JavaScript - </script> OR End of code

SmallBasic - Program.End()

Scratch - Stop script

JavaScript - N/A

Small Basic - N/A

Scratch - Repeat ()
