Well, I've been around here awhile, read alot more than I write, keep thinking I'll find some time to do some writing.
I suppose some Bio is in order. Born, raised, still living in WesternMassachusetts. New HomeOwner (Lesson one, from HowBuildingsLearn: "Water is the enemy.") VisualBasic Programmer. Part of me wants to say "currently", since VB certainly isn't the coolest language, but I like my job, so I can live with it. Someday, in my CopiousSpareTime, I'll finish learning Lisp.
Pages that have info related to my work and/or skills I want to develop/improve.
Some pages that have caught my interest (in no particular order):
OneMinuteWiki, TextFormattingRules, AnOutsidersReviewOfWiki, RoadMaps, LimitsOfHierarchies, WabiSabi, VotingPatterns, SociologyWiki, GaveUpOnTelevision, NoteWiki
In some cases "caught my interest" is short for "looks interesting but, gosh, that's a long page and, <sigh> it is getting late, so I'll read it later".
ShortBooks, including
A Quantum Mechanics Primer, Daniel T. Gillespie. ISBN: 0470299126 ...focuses on the formal development of the mathematics used for quantum mechanics - probabilities, Hilbert spaces, vector products, Hamiltonian mechanics. The quantum mechanical treatment is laid down very clearly and explicitly. Has no examples (hence the shortness), but gives a very clear, rigorous presentation.
Basic category theory for computer scientists, Benjamin C. Pierce ISBN: 0262660717 . Good introduction to CategoryTheory, covering the normal definitions, functors, natural transformations, and applications to FunctionalProgramming.
An interesting Wiki (imo) -- http://www.disinfopedia.org/wiki.phtml -- DisinfoPedia
- ''Now is SourceWatch]
By the way, is anyone else amused by the fact that the SpellChecker doesn't recognize the word "Wiki"?
- I add Wiki (capitalized as a proper noun) to all my personal SpellCheckers.
ThankYou for bringing my attention to SourceWatch, which I had not seen before. I share an interest in FunctionalProgramming. -- JohnFletcher