An adjustment factor, applied by a ProjectManager or project lead, to a developer's estimates when the developer has a history of consistently coming in early or late. Often a form of SchedulePadding.
Done in some places, though many consider this an AntiPattern.
Is the factor public or secret? If the correction factor (or its use) is not publicly acknowledged, then what goes on the schedule--the raw estimate or the corrected estimate? If the raw estimate, then how is the schedule accurately tracked? If the corrected estimate is used, how do you explain to the developer why you have lengthened/shortened her stated durations?
If it is publicly acknowedged, then the tempatation exists for developers to provide **anti-**correction factors before delivering estimates.
If a developer consistently over- or under-estimates, wouldn't it be better to work with them on improving their estimation skills?
- ManagementPlanning
- ManagementScheduling
- SoftwareDelivery