Rules Without Enforcement

last modified: December 8, 2014

Rules, Laws, Conventions, and Practices, can be and are violated - ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.20141208

What we can do is observe or ignore them. The concept of WhyWikiWorks depends upon voluntary observation of the established norms. Without such collaboration or cooperation, it is WhyWikiWorksNot.

Thankfully over the last nearly twenty years, this wiki has survived because of voluntary cooperative efforts of Wikizens. Its continued use and growth depend upon collaborative efforts of us and the generosity of its founder and the inventor of Wiki, WardCunningham, for his provision of this place of meeting together.

Occasionally, (not often) an individual may either violate or stretch the rather simple and useful content structures established over the years, introducing what some view as hostile or disruptive participation. If volunteers and those concerned with making this wiki a continual and ongoing concern did not from time to time take some actions to enforce long established rules, this wiki could, because of its open structure, become less useful and thus discourage its continued use by cooperative users and become merely a battle-ground between those who view themselves as rules perpetuators and those intent on changing established rules and conventions.

Rules and conventions can be changed in a wiki environment, but it is not a simple matter of one, two or three individuals, but the result of acceptable and useful practices observed by most everyone that enhance usefulness, collaboration and PositiveDialogue.

