Ross Jeffries

last modified: November 17, 2014

Ross Jeffries is the founder and president of Speed Seduction ( a company which offers:

The Amazing Seduction Secrets Of A Skinny, Ugly, 6 Ft Geek From Culver City, California, That Could Get You All The Hot, Sexy Women You Could Ever Want, Despite Your Looks Or Age...

For a modest fee of a few hundred dollars a piece, Ross will sell you such at-home study courses as the "Unstoppable Confidence Tapes" and his classic book "How To Get The Women You Desire Into Bed"

He is not to be confused with RonJeffries, who is a different person altogether, though equally skilled at speed seduction. Nor is his accomplice Mark Cunningham to be confused with WardCunningham.

Not exactly. My wife had to play Buffy St Marie's "Until It's Time for You to Go" until the needle wore through the record, before I got the point. That was a long time ago, and speed wasn't part of it. -- RonJeffries
