Rosetta Code

last modified: October 10, 2014

Rosetta Code is a repository for code examples that go beyond the traditional "Hello World!" example. This ProgrammingChrestomathy runs on MediaWiki.

All contributors are welcome; there are a over two hundred varieties of examples. So far, the most popular languages are ToolCommandLanguage, PythonLanguage, AdaLanguage, OcamlLanguage, PerlLanguage, JavaLanguage, HaskellLanguage, CeeLanguage, and AlgolLanguage(!). This says something about the size of their communities and their applicability to a wide variety of problems. Other common languages which could use more examples include CeeSharp, PL/SQL, DelphiLanguage (and other PascalLanguages), shell scripts, and LuaLanguage. CobolLanguage, AbapLanguage, and AssemblyLanguage would also be interesting languages for basic examples, so folks could see the history we escaped from (AlgolLanguage, FortranLanguage, and LispLanguage are already well represented). There are also examples in CeePlusPlus, RubyLanguage and PicoLisp.

See also: FunctionalImperativeRosettaStone RosettaStone

CategoryProgrammingLanguageComparisons CategoryInManyProgrammingLanguages FebruaryZeroNine
