Rob Sartin

last modified: March 29, 2014

Rob Sartin has been an Agile developer since 1999 and has worked with Ruby, Rails, Java, PHP, C++, C, and assorted other languages over his career. Currently he is a Senior Software Engineer at Tableau Software (

Current information on Rob's professional and volunteer activities is available at

Rob was a partner at OmniscientTurtle, an Agile software consulting firm.

Previously, Rob was Director of Engineering and SoftwareArchitect for ImpartTechnology (previously named Terrace Mountain Systems). I probably hate both of those titles more than almost anyone else. Director of Engineering meant that I went to the management meetings most of the time and met with customers. SoftwareArchitect means I was the one who wrote some of the first code and some of people on the team think that I designed it. They are wrong; we designed the code. It was one of the best examples of an EmergentDesign I have seen. In my wildest dreams, I wouldn't have done that well designing the thing from the requirements at the start of the project or writing it alone.

In prior roles, he developed web/enterprise applications in Java, built software configuration management systems, developed UNIX (HP-UX) commands and kernel, did research on distributed computing at HP Labs, and designed heart monitors. For a time, in the late 1980s, if you or a loved one were in a coronary or intensive care unit, there is about a 50% chance you were monitored by software I wrote. It was a sobering thought for me.

Rob organized and moderated the AustinPatternsGroup and the XpAustin group.

