Ricky West

last modified: August 17, 2004

Ricky Wayne West

A little about me...I am a software engineer working at Hatteras Networks (http://www.hatteras.com) in the ResearchTrianglePark in North Carolina. I recently changed jobs, my former employer was Ericsson Inc.

I have many interests in the "software world". Lately, I have been looking into embedded Linux and ExtremeProgramming. I maintain my own web server at my house for personal use and I use the TWiki (http://www.TWiki.org) as the tool to provide content on the page. You can visit my web page at http://www.west-household.dns2go.com/west/wiki/bin/view/Ricky . Some of the pages are not viewable; some are.

I can also be reached via email at mailto:rwest@hatterasnetworks.com or mailto:rwwest@nc.rr.com. I also use AOL instant messenger some, my screen name is rickywwest.

