Reword Flamebait Please

last modified: April 21, 2004

There is always an obtainable formulation of words that is superior to FlameBait in increasing signal and decreasing noise. And preventing needless FlameWar.

We request that you find that formulation. You will be more pleased with the result, as well.

See also RefinementOfNoise, SignalToNoise

Note: Please use this tag judiciously... applying indiscriminately or unwisely can also be construed as Flamebait.

Why use this tag at all? Just fix it and move on. Revising has been considered the ultimate FlameBait by some. As is deletion. So we end up with a Wiki 80% of which are thoughts poorly thought _out_, often knee jerk reactions to insidious FlameBait (and, let's be honest, never refactored). A modest 21-character request like this seems to serve well as an alert, a challenge, and a marker.

