A place to put your name / IP if you don't care about being anonymous but don't use a UserName cookie for any reason. As this list is unlikely to become very long, I've put the name first; extra IP addresses may be added inline.
Don't list anybody other than yourself (an exception may be made for WikiVandals).
- DaveVoorhis - host86-145-161-49.range86-145.btcentralplus.com (dynamic, likely to change), *.derby.ac.uk
- ElizabethWiethoff - pool nyc east.verizon.net
- EricHodges - host62-62.dissent.birch.net, cpe-67-10-242-79.houston.res.rr.com
- GunnarZarncke - *.hnv2-lns3.mcbone.net [62.104.190.*]
- JohnFletcher - ict-nat-90.aston.ac.uk, ict-nat-254.aston.ac.uk, bunbury28.plus.com
- PeterMerel - c211-31-36-215.artrmn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au
- ScottJohnson - igate.tek.com (, 216-99-203-216.cust.aracnet.com
- EricJablow -
"BlueYonder" is known to be at and often uses OpenProxy machines to improve this site.
Great idea. I keep a list in my MacJournal, but a public list is friendlier and verifies my own list. -- Eliz
A quick way to determine your IP (assuming firewalls and proxies don't obscure it): http://www.whatismyip.com/.
Of course, if a firewall or proxy is obscuring your IP; that obscured IP is what WikiWiki's servers will see, and what will show up in QuickChanges, RecentPosts, and the like. 'Tis what firewalls and proxies do. :)
A reverse ip check can be done at: http://www.hostpedia.org/en/tools/reverse-ip-address-lookup.