Tools that help ReverseEngineering.
Commercial tools for source code reverse engineering of object oriented languages include:
- Sniff
- TogetherJava
- UnderstandForCeePlusPlus
- RationalRose
RationalRose and TogetherJava can generate UmlDiagrams from the SourceCode. ReverseModelingTools ?
UnderstandForCeePlusPlus extracts metrics, CrossReference and FunctionsCallTrees from the SourceCode.
There are a few very good free tools for reverse engineering as well. For example, ESSModel generates excellent class diagrams from the source--and it's very fast! ESSModel is OpenSource FreeSoftware and is available at or from the SourceForge project page at
You can also try some promising free tool for Java Reversing :
- RTEO (Round Trip Engineering Objects)
It is available here :