Reusable Components are not used alone, and make up but a part of any UsageSystem DonaldNoyes.20140420
There are in many systems components which are costly and expendable which make up a greater part of the overall system, therefore any scheme which can convert the lack of reusability and lower the cost of the overall system, is a good investment.
- In the market-place, reusable bags can reduce the cost of consumer carry-home packaging instead of using recyclable, or discardable bags and the costs involved.
- In shipping, the use of standard sized shipping containers which in addition to being reusable, have a form-factor allowing the design of the handling equipment components.
- In space exploration, programs such as SpaceEx, which seek to make first-stage boosters returnable by programmed flight, after they have done the heavy work of delivering a package capable of attaining orbit, to the ground in reusable condition
- In computer systems, reusable, capable, systematic, organized, secure and dependably functioning software components which can act in response to human language instructions to accomplish work for humans while following legal, moral and ethical governance.
- In Energy generation, the reuse of solar-energy via direct solar-energy cells and concentration farms, to those which are indirect such as dams, tidal systems, and wind-farms which count on naturally occuring regeneration cylces.
- Furnaces, Boilers, Steam-driven machinery, automobile, trucks, trains, air, space and lighter than air vehicles which use fossil-fuels and other expendable fuel sources, including nuclear-reactors to move people and materials.