Respect Asa Zero Sum Game

last modified: June 15, 2004

Renamed from RespectIsaZeroSumGame

A rather pathological (in many ways) view of the concepts of respect and good manners. Rather pathological? Try completely moronic. Some folks view respect as a zero-sum game--if you respect me (or are somehow compelled to offer me respect), then I am entitled to (and should, as a matter of course), be disrespectful to you. Found in many social strata (such as some workplaces; also common in U.S. street culture) where the stronger party (the boss in the office, or the gangster with the biggest gun or largest "posse") demands fealty from subordinates, while treating said subordinates like garbage. RespectVsFear.

The alternatives are, of course:

The option in that last paragraph is certainly different from treating respect as zero-sum, so it seems to me to qualify as an "alternative". Further, I don't know what it means to say that any particular way of proceeding is "game theory"; you can describe any of the options on this page in game-theory terms, and you can describe any of them without game-theory terms. Game theory is a way of thinking about matters like this, not a particular result your thinking might lead to. I conjecture that whoever wrote that "Note" was a little confused.

See also IsYourRudenessNecessary
