Requirements Management

last modified: September 28, 2009

You must:

Then you manage them.

TestTrack RM

I am looking for a free RequirementsManagementTool

WriteItOnaCard. It ain't free, but it's dirt cheep!

Lighthouse is web-based, free for 5 users, and offers excellent collaboration and traceability features beyond the usual RM capability. Go here to create a free account:

Contour is made by Jama Software, it's a web-based tool for requirements management and collaboration. URL: I just read on ReadWriteWeb that Jama gives money to Kiva instead of doing advertising, which is cool. URL:

DOORS is made by QSS, Inc. URL -

DOORS is currently sold by Telelogic. Perhaps QSS was bought by Telelogic? URL

RequisitePro is a requirements management tool made by the RationalCompany (which is now owned by IBM).

I've been playing with MoinMoin recently, and quickly saw the potential of a wiki as a requirements management tool. The dynamic nature of wiki seems to have great potential as an RM tool, particularly since it can allow all stakeholders to be active participants in the process of gathering and validating requirements. However...

I am by no means an expert in requirements management, but here are some of the issues as I see it (coming from my MoinMoin viewpoint).



History (CM):

I wondered if anyone else has thought about wiki for RM, and not surprisingly, a quick Google search turned up this interesting link:

Users landing on this page should take a look at Yes! this is a shameful ad by the developer who is struggling to get exposure.
