Replicator Technology

last modified: December 23, 2010

You tell a computer what you want to make, and it makes one.

Sometimes telling the computer what you want requires immense detail -- CAD programs and the like. Sometimes the details are already stored. Sometimes you can show it an example of what you want.

Sometimes the method of manufacturing is envisioned to be MolecularNanoTechnology, but it could be as mundane as cutting and shaping wood, steel, plastic, and so forth, and still be useful.

The United States Navy is reputed to have devices that can manufacture spare parts on board submarines. No need to store huge inventories, no need to go back to shore for repairs.

Printers already do this by making printed matter from a description in the computer.

Ah, but can those Navy devices manufacture their own spare parts ? SelfReplication

The processes by which computers manifest things in the real world have been referred to as RealVirtuality, as opposed to VirtualReality.
