In programming, the cost of maintaining a project is higher than the cost of developing the project. Within a few months, you can forget the details of what you've done. Therefore, as you work, remember that someone will be looking at your work in the future. Do everything you can to make their job easier. That person may even be you.
Possible techniques:
- UsefulDocumentation
- ReFactoring
- ScreechinglyObviousCode
- MeaningfulComments
- UnitTesting
- AcceptanceTesting
- RecordYourCommunicationInTheCode
- Write down what you're planning to do, otherwise your project probably has a TruckNumber of one.
This title sounds like a battle cry for the defenders of civilization and technology. To those with overactive imaginations. -- DanielKnapp
Young enough not to care too much
About the way things used to be
I'm old enough to remember the future,
The past has no claim on me
I'm old enough not to care to much
About what you think of me
I'm young enough to remember the future,
The way things ought to be...
--Neil Peart
CategoryProtoPattern | CategoryProcessPrinciple