References Copies Processes

last modified: September 10, 2014

It is an easy thing to do, to ReferenceAnArtifact, to CopyArtifacts, or to utilize ExistingArtifactories (Processes) ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.20140827

In the Doing of Stuff, one is ever at the business of seeing what is "out there" that would enable or enhance the gathering or use of information about certain artifacts or artifactories.

Many individuals are tending not to depend on the "ProfessionalEstablishment" whether organized within companies, or being called "standards" or "certification" agencies, not because they are not a GoodThing, but because of the time it takes to get something into their processes and receive finished, working stuff out of them. Often we rely upon already processed stuff, or GeneralPurposeSoftwareProcesses to get the "report" the boss wants, or to obtain the additional knowledge required, so that you can understand what you need to know, and how you can do stuff.

The technical environment and knowledge available is changing much to fast. An answer often is to rely on TechnicalSocialNetworks and PeerGroups to point you to References, things you can copy or download, or processes you might find UsefulUsableUsed, that are not inside your AwarenessCircle.

An explanation or context for "artifacts or artifactories" would be helpful, including examples.



