A simple PatternLanguage to encourage WikiRefactoring...
- ConvertThreadModeToDocumentMode
- RefactorByCondensingConversation
- RefactorByCondensingQuestionAnswerPair
- RefactorWhileRespectingSignatures
- RefactorByExtractingToPage
- RefactorMoveToFront
- ThereforeBut
- ThesisAntithesisSynthesis
- DialecticMode
- GoodWikiCitizen
- MakeSignalNotNoise
- SeparateThreadsFromContent
- TentativeSummary
- DeleteOneLiners
- PoemWiki
- DoubleLines
See WhyRefactorWikiPages, HowToWriteAndEditThreadMode, WikiRefactoringStories
Delimit conversation
- Use signature lines to separate thoughts expressed in ThreadMode. Make the signatures part of the paragraph. This works best when thoughts are expressed as a single paragraph. This transformation becomes easier as a page matures and the important ideas become obvious. Use an empty signature (" -- ") when the author is unknown or wishes to remain anonymous.
- Use horizontal rules to separate a multi-paragraph contribution from other contributions. Alternative view: use a horizontal rule to indicate a change of topic, not of speaker. This keeps threads together, making it easier to RefactorByExtractingToPage.
- Use inline comments [inside square brackets like this,] for very short editorial comments. Consider rewriting the paragraph to make the addition unnecessary.
- Use Unsigned comments that become part of the flow of the page. Other than being offset from signed contributions, unsigned work should blend seamlessly with the page as a whole.
Delimit subject
- Use emphasized subtitles, when the topic of conversation changes ,so that readers can pick out the parts that they are interested in.
- Move comments to a different page, if the subject is inconsistent with the title of the page. Try to find an existing page that's appropriate instead of creating new ones. Include a link to it if appropriate.
- Write to the future reader
- This site has 100 readers for every writer. Compose and organize thoughts for the reader's benefit.
- Gentle backlink
- When one page spawns another it is good practice to write a sentence or two of explanation at the beginning of the new page that cites the old. Use italics when the introduction is tangential to the page as a whole.
- Remove inappropriate material
- When you see something that clearly does not belong on Wiki just delete it. This is about as strong a statement as you can make on Wiki.
- Index using categories
- Don't create static index pages that must be updated each time a new page is created that belongs to that index. Instead, use a category so that indexes can be dynamically created and always kept current. If an appropriate category does not exist for the refactored page, create a new one only if there will be other pages referencing the new category. See WikiCategories for more details.
- Outline Summary
- Consider using a bulleted list as a summary of major sections that follow on the page, to act as a mini table of contents - most useful for very long pages. Consider using an outline summary as a proforma template for a TentativeSummary for a ThreadMess.
Where are the ToolsForRefactoringWiki? Right behind your eyes and between your ears, your keyboard, and your fingers. Yes, it is a very difficult job, and controversial too.
CategoryWikiMaintenance CategoryWikiRefactoring