Refactoring Log

last modified: December 23, 2002

A while back I had an opportunity to make a non-trivial change to some code in our non-XP environment. (I'm still trying to get CVS-type tools universally adopted) I decided to make the change in lots of little refactoring steps.

In the process, I kept a log of all the incremental changes. It was just a text file, but it described each change. I ended up making dramatic changes to the data structures [we don't use OO (sigh)], but by keeping the log, and creating UnitTests along the way, I was able to ensure that all the changes were correct.

Has anyone else tried this technique, or is everyone else's environment sufficiently advanced that this is unnecessary?


In ThePragmaticProgrammer, they recommend using VersionControl tools on your own workstation, even if (especially if) the rest of your firm doesn't. Not only do you have source control, but you the ChangeLog ForFree. It made a lot of difference when I began using CVS on my home machine for private projects. -- SeanOleary
