A RefactoringBrowser is one which automates refactoring of code.
CeePlusPlus refactoring browsers:
Ref++ has been released. It is a C++ refactoring tool that seamlessly integrates with the VisualStudioDotNet 2003 IDE. http://www.ideat-solutions.com/refpp
According to their recent press release, SlickEdit Inc. announced Visual SlickEdit v9, the first commercially available development tool with C++ refactoring. http://www.slickedit.com/
Xrefactory, (also known as X-ref and Xref-Speller) http://www.xref-tech.com/xrefactory/. Plug-in for EmacsEditor and XEmacs [web site says it only does CeeLanguage and JavaLanguage] The C++ version is in alpha. Click the "Alphaworks" link in the LH menu.
C++ Refactoring Assistant (RFTA), http://cpptool.sourceforge.net. Add-in for VisualCeePlusPlus 6 and EclipseIde [Only a few refactoring supported at the time.] [Seems to have died in pre-Alpha stage.]
IntrospectorProject http://www.gnufans.net/intrspctr.pl?HomePage aims to support refactoring for C++
EclipseIde http://eclipse.org/ The CDT plugin supports refactoring in C and C++. (It is not yet supported but will be soon.)
So is anyone actually using any of these refactoring tools for C++? My hunch is that most people who are into the idea of automated refactorings are probably using a different ProgrammingLanguage.
I use Ref++ on a daily basis. The two features that I use most often are finding all uses of a specific function or variable, and renaming all instances of a functions or variable. Since Ref++ parses the C++ code, it can tell the difference between different variables with the same name, which makes it better than the find-in-files feature of IDEs. I have occasionally tried some of the other features of Ref++, but found that they don't always work the way I would like. -- ChrisHines
I installed Ref++ for VisualStudioDotNet, but after asking me for the serial number it's as if it doesn't exist. There is no menu or toolbar. I was really hoping to use it... -- Nikolay
I use xrefactory for C/Java (the only free version), and find it immensely useful
See also: RefactoringBrowser, ThereIsNoRefactoringBrowserForCpp