Refactor Only The Ones You Want To Keep

last modified: March 20, 2006

My dentist had a sign in his office that read:

Only floss the ones you want to keep.

It really meant that you should floss all your teeth, and rigorously and carefully at that, because you'll obviously want to keep them all. The sign was not intended reading for kids still holding on to baby teeth.

Refactor only the wiki pages you want to keep. But for heaven sakes, don't waste time brushing and flossing the ones that are merely going to fall out, unless perchance you want the wiki to have sweet breath.

Some pages emerge with "tooth" while others don't (present company deleted, of course). Some page authors are really just combatants in disguise, trying to earn a plaque. These pages are the ones destined to fall out.

No, I say. Pick your battles, ere you pick your teeth. Reserve your best care for the perlies you truly treasure. As for the others, let 'em compost.

-- Dr. Dentin

See also: CollectingSeashells

