Reduce Unimportant Information

last modified: August 29, 2004

If information is unimportant, eliminate it if possible.

While an obvious result of EmphasizeImportantInformation is to move unimportant information off to the side, if information is truly irrelevant, delete it. This also follows from YouArentGonnaNeedIt.

For example, MassiveFunctionHeaders are rife with useless cruft.


I am frequently interrupted by testers asking me to just quickly check something to see if it is a bug or not. Obviously I want them to find bugs, but 95% of the time the things they ask me to check, even if they did uncover a bug, are very unimportant. It seems that since the severity rating only gets recorded when the bug is found, all bugs are equal until they are recorded. AllBugsAreNotEqual!

