Red Card Meetings

last modified: November 23, 2004

In a red card meeting everyone is give a red and yellow card. When anyone feels that the ongoing conversation is not of any direct interest to them they hold up a yellow card. When they feel the ongoing conversation is not of any direct interest to anyone they hold up a red card. Depending on the meeting size, but for twelve people one red or three yellow cards triggers the next agenda item.

Sounds brutal and needs a little care but I am telling you it works. I have had ten years as a CEO of businesses of a distributed workforce of few hundred people. Every month our management team meeting turned along the same lines and we could never finish an agenda. Red and Yellow cards and the whole of the two day meeting had been finished on the first morning. Now maybe the problem before was just me being a rubbish chairman but we had tried with professional meeting facilitators and other people chairing. Peer pressure and cards did it for us. People shut up when they even saw someone else reaching for the card


