Recent Differences

last modified: May 19, 2012

The functionality was improved and called QuickDiff.

You can now just click the last edited date (like "April 12, 2000"), and it will bring you to the quick-diff for the current page. It even works for very old pages, as long as there is an EditCopy version. -- CliffordAdams

Original functionality:

When a lengthy or important page shows up in RecentChanges you may wonder what change put it there. You can get a line by line list of differences. Here's how...

Wiki runs a unix diff between the two versions and puts the output, if any, in the Differences section. A page authored from only one site won't have a backup copy so you won't find an EditCopy button. In this case there is nothing to compare.

-- WardCunningham

Here's an idea: could you put an <A NAME> around the Differences section, such that a script could cause my web browser to go straight to there? -- GrahamHughes
