Raymond Smullyan

last modified: February 8, 2005


Author Raymond Smullyan is considered one of America's most inventive creators of logic puzzles. Most of the books of logic puzzles lead the reader up to proofs of GoedelsIncompletenessTheorem in particular systems by the end. His many writings include:

He is Oscar R. Ewing Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Indiana University, Bloomington.

Does anyone know where he can be reached, either by e- or snail mail? Please let me know by e-mail. Thanks in advance! -- MarnixKlooster

He used to be at Box 75, Elka Park, NY 12427, USA, but if that's out of date, he could doubtless be contacted via his university or publisher (smartpages.com gives a precise address and telephone number, but I don't know if they are correct).

