Rational Rose Refactoring

last modified: March 3, 2005

Having some interest in evaluating the tool, I was trying to refactor the page RationalRose, but I couldn't really see the whole thing at once. So I started by just labelling each contribution with a quick bold caption stating its relationship to the main topic. Hopefully now someone else (maybe a future me) can come along and gather up some of the thoughts more easily. Please comment here about whether this was useful. -- DavidSaff

I like your idea

Nicely done!

It helps. (But Rose still doesn't come out smelling like a Rose, does it!)

(Refactoring a wiki page will never change the contents of a software package - so why should it?)

I think it is useful. I am going to add my experience, both good and bad.

Hmmm, kindof reminds me to those obligated courses at the University. I'd prefer no CASE tool whatsoever. Just plain paper and some sharpened pencils
