Rat Dance

last modified: March 19, 2003

See http://www.jargon.net/jargonfile/r/ratdance.html

I like "All too many find the perverse incentives and Kafkaesque atmosphere of Dilbert's mythical workplace reflective of their own experiences."

What more can one say?

One can say that Dilbert's workplace is, unfortunately, not mythical. It is in fact the Pacific Bell (now SBC Communications) campus at San Ramon, California. The model for the Pointy-Haired Boss is, likewise, not only real but singular: if he has acquired some supplementary characteristics from other known offenders, he remains recognizable. But, as with "You-Know-Who," there is an understandable reluctance to say "Voldemort" -- albeit for different reasons: the man is suspected of being litigious.
