Quick Sort In Ruby

last modified: April 24, 2008

Simple/dumb QuickSort in RubyLanguage, choosing the first element as pivot.

def qsort(list)
 return [] if list.size == 0
 x, *xs = *list
 less, more = xs.partition{|y| y < x},
 qsort(less) + [x] + qsort(more)

Slightly less readable but hey, we save a line :P

def qs(l)
 return [] if (x,*xs=l).empty?
 less, more = xs.partition{|y| y < x},
 qs(less) + [x] + qs(more)

Slightly more readable, and hey, we save two lines.

def quicksort a
 (pivot = a.pop) ? quicksort(a.select{|i| i <= pivot},) + [pivot] + quicksort(a.select{|i| i > pivot},) : []

But that, of course, is much too inefficient because it doesn't use partition.
