Questions Game

last modified: July 9, 2003

Are you changing the subject?

Has the subject been changed?

Why would you think that it had?

Looks like we need some context here. Would this page make a good entry point ??? -- Why not?

Aren't things like why not - rhetoric, and such - explicitly forbidden by the rules?

Isn't the question that makes "Why not?" a rhetorical answer rhetorical itself?

How else can one point such things out?

(You mean, suggestions about entry points?) But if they have no drawbacks, why ask?

Well, is a task being harmless enough to make it worthwhile?

What makes you think this is harmless?

Is it GoodStyle to ask so many questions?

Is this a ValuablePage, can we mention some pages here so that it would make for a GoodEntryPoint?

Do you really suppose it would be worthwhile to do so?

Don't you think that ItDepends?
