Programming Nirvana

last modified: August 24, 2005

You've spent the last month working 40 hours or a little less a week, thinking about the code 50 hours or a little more a week. Half those hours, you sit with your feet up on the desk and watch somebody else type.

And you realize: I'm doing the best work of my life/career that I've ever done so far.

And then the company runs out of funding.

-- JeffBay

Shouldn't that be Nerdvana?

Actually, Nerdvana is the state right before the company sputters out of money. We were really rolling. We were hitting our estimates just about every single card, when we missed it was absorbed into the schedule without a hitch. We would get stressed because we were behind and end up having to toss the least important story aside. We'd finish one or two large stories a week, and several small ones at the same time. Quality was steadily trending upwards even after three months of improvement and constant architectural and design refactoring and development. Our customers and our Customer and our manager and the CEO were incredibly happy with our productivity. It was incredible.

Now, I'm unemployed, and waiting for something to happen so I can start working towards that happening again. That's ProgrammerHell.

Sort of like Paradise Lost. Lake of fire and all that. I think I need a drink ;)
