Process Improvement Patterns

last modified: September 20, 1999

This page is for identifying patterns for how to conduct process improvement efforts. The actual process improvements may themselves be patterns too (e.g. patterns for software inspection). For better or worse, such efforts are sometimes aligned with dictums or desires to align with some process framework model, like the CapabilityMaturityModel (CMM) or ISO9000 (which I affectionately call "Eyesore 9000" ;-) or SPICE, etc. But this is not always the case.

I want this page to primarily serve as a central organization point for folks interested in developing such patterns (as opposed to lengthy discussions). PLEASE use ProcessImprovementPatternsDiscussion for comments about the relative merits or lack thereof for attempting such improvement efforts.

Patterns for Initiating, Sustaining, and Evolving Process Improvement Efforts

Patterns Describing Candidate Process Improvements
