Preacher Comic

last modified: December 3, 2004

Fantastic series by GarthEnnis and SteveDillon, chronicling the strange story of Jesse the preacher with a crisis of faith, and his ex-girlfriend Tulip, and an Irish vampire called Cassidy. But, naturally, with a hell of a lot of interesting twists, and a lot of sickly compelling humour. It's one of the best comic series out there, and the whole series isn't too long - so it's affordable, which is helpful because once you've read one, you will buy the rest....

I found the "Saint of Killers" character to be the most interesting - a good exploration of what happens when dogmatic decrees like "His guns will always hit their mark and always be deadly" are taken to their Heaven & Hell disrupting conclusions. On a related note, programmers may also find the Hellblazer series compelling - it deals with the consequences of magic (you play, you pay) - in a very hackerish fashion.

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