Does anyone use Post-It Notes (sometimes yellow, pink, or blue sticky notes) on their monitor or the shelf the monitor is sitting on?
I stick PostIt notes all over now. What I realized is that
- It is time consuming and frustrating to look up a web site or a help document, just to access some information that should be readily available on a post-it note.
- A binder/large sheets of paper take up desktop space, and like the above, are time consuming and frustrating in some cases versus a post-it note.
- Back up important post-it notes in a binder with paper in it. If someone ever steals your post-it note or you vacuum it up, at least you have a penciled back up in a binder, or somewhere safe.
- Use pencil and erasers on post-it notes so that you can change and update them as necessary
- write small on the post-it note.
- get different sizes of post-it notes, if you find you are cramped for space
- It is good to have a the computer monitor on a shelf on your desk, so you can use more post-it notes on the shelf, in addition to on the monitor itself.
- if all the post-it notes get messy looking, you could try different colors which look better in the surroundings
- commands that you need to memorize, or small code snippets that you just can't remember, but use often, are good on post it notes.
- Post-it note software is silly, because I've had all my post-it notes corrupted a few times. The computer has to be on (you may have some bios setting that you need on a post-it note, or something to remember during bootup. So it's better on a real post-it note, versus software)
- If a post-it note has been re-used and erased many times, consider throwing it out and starting a fresh post-it note.
See PostItNotesSoftware.