Plus Minus Interesting

last modified: July 21, 2003

An EdwardDeBono thinking method. Also, a member of the VotingPatterns.

Consider all the pluses of choosing one candidate, then all the minus of choosing that candidate, then all the interesting side effects of choosing that candidate. Repeat for the other candidates.

It's essential in EdwardDeBono's methodology that you do these one at a time, though most people muddy them up. Also, EdwardDeBono wants you to write them down, although you probably won't.

An example from an election not so long ago:

If I vote for JeanCharest he will




Anyway, some people keep this kind of pros vs. cons debate raging in their heads when they choose to vote. This is generally a good way to vote, in my opinion. Unfortunately, I can never make a decision using this alone because many of the candidates are equally good or bad. However, I can certainly eliminate some candidates this way. -- SunirShah
