Play The Numbers

last modified: December 8, 2005

I heard a story that went:

There was a man walking around the bar and he went up to this woman and said: "wanna f*$@?" she slapped him and left. He walked up to another and the same thing happened, and another and another until I walked up to him and asked him why he kept doing this, what he gained from it. The man replied "Because sometimes one of them says yes."

I heard that a FriendOfaFriend actually did this, and he usually found a date, eventually.

aka TheLawOfAverages (in motion).

This could be burning bridges, though.

[ I've found that it works disturbingly well in gay bars. You walk up to a potential victim, say "Hi, you're hot, do you like boys or girls?" Then, when they say they like whichever gender you are, you say "Cool, want to go make out over there?" And then, six times out of seven, they do. YourMileageMayVary dependent upon whether you're cute enough when asking them, but men are very easy to please. If they think you're a creep, they'll probably say no to the second question and you'll burn some bridges. Some of them might want to keep talking and put out after a date or something. Even if you don't get to make out immediately, it's a fun way to get a phone number :) -- ar ]

