Pixar Image Computer

last modified: June 12, 2013

The company that brought you ToyStory used to sell a computer called the Pixar Image Computer. This was a proprietary machine that was very good with video. It featured from one to four image channels. Each image channel had four processors, one for red, one for green, one for blue, and one for the alpha channel. It processed video in 12-bit color (or 48-bit, depending on your perspective) and did I/O in 10 bits.

I hear they still have one in operation down at FullSail [media college... popular, expensive, and questionable by some] in Florida.

An article from Byte comparing the Image Computer to the new Apple G4 with MacOsx can be found at http://www.byte.com/documents/s=202/byt19991110s0005/

Anyway, it is a computer that I'm interested in. I've only seen one picture, and have never seen one in real life.

Sounds like an SGI machine.

