Pile As Collection Object

last modified: April 6, 2010


In an earlier description of a OnePileFilingSystem, I exposed a concept of a Pile of documents on a desktop (real, wiki, or virtual), which another would have named it a pile ordered from bottom to top as the "LeastRecentlyUsed".

I am here suggesting a Pile as a CollectionObject. It has its own manipulation methods and is managed according to its own manipulation rules. Discarded or abandoned pages in the pile are either archived after removal, or held after removal, depending on the liklihood of use in the future. In general, the most likely are held, the lesser likely are archived, and those unlikely, or having been superceded or deprecated, are thrown into a pile called "Junk".

This is a particularly valuable concept given the super-massive-quantities of information and documents which are encountered in the course of a persons occupation, whether for hire, or under SelfManagement.

The idea of the pile as a CollectionObject is a MethodOfExtensibility, Classification and/or Categorization, allowing ContextFocus.

