Pettiness Will Kill You

last modified: June 30, 2003

People, by default, tend to interact on the surface level, because there's a comfort level there (NoToughProblemsNoConflict). For example, customers faced with a business system will be tempted to focus on DropDownListOrComboBox, TabsOrOutlookMetaphor. This seems harmless enough (to the inordained), but by focusing on the meaningless, they neglect the meaningful. This is DeathByDefault, inaction covered up by RunningToStandStill.

Guess what, conflict isn't really avoided this way. By dealing with petty issues, petty conflicts arise--and more of them, because the impetus to move on just isn't there. Welcome conflict, but the important, meaningful ones. A good process aims to get to the decisive (and divisive) issues right now, and clear them out of the way. Pressing goals (e.g. let's get something minimal into production next month) provide the impetus to move along--past the petty conflicts.

See also: SpartanUserInterface, ModelFirst.
