Peter Dimitrios

last modified: May 14, 2014

I'm Pete Dimitrios, and I've worked in the past with some of the folks who hang out around here. A recovering SmalltalkLanguage evangelist, I've helped out RalphHodgson with some SystemEnvisioning efforts, while I slave away on projects that mostly involve J*va application servers in one way or another.

[1998]: For my personal life, I am looking into engagement/wedding rings and related accessories, as my envisioning seems to have manifested a committed relationship with a very wonderful woman.

[1999]: Told yet again that I need to "clone myself", I take up teaching, and try to at least clone my knowledge (which is probably much more useful).

[2000]: With others now doing the teaching, I've found a way "Off The Plane" by consulting for consultants via my cable modem, helping projects recover from cuts caused the bleeding edge of technology abuse.

[March 2001]: While continuing to actually do the work of helping others, I also help with the meta-work of KnowledgeManagement.

[April 2002]: Still working as a consultant's consultant, but spending far too much time solving old problems dressed in new clothing.

[November 2003]: On the work front, things keep chugging along. I am spending more time with Linux and open-source / community-developed projects. On a personal front, I made some time to spend a couple of weeks in Hawaii. As I come back and process my email backlog, I am thinking about how to stay there for a month or two, interspersing work and play. With timeshares, Marriott points, good friends, and better high-speed access, maybe I can make it work. What is the opposite of 'Wiki Wiki' in Hawaiian? ;-)

[October 2004]: Still busy helping folks at work, never seeming to find the time to take a vacation. I am also going to be be moving about 2 miles away, so lots more fun to come. ;-)

[May 2008]: So, I've been busy in other areas and haven't updated anything here...but I pretty much keep on doing what I've been doing. Technology whims change so that projects want to achieve buzzword-compliance with the latest fad, but the fundamentals do not change much.

[February 2010]: Celebrated a quarter-century of work at IBM.

[March 2010]: Working with universities to deliver Virtual Computing Labs (open-source "cloud" software in Apache incubator status at

[June 2012]: Amazingly, I continue to work with open-source for IBM clients, along with a lot of work with Universities on cloud deployments (both using and managing them effectively). Apache VCL graduates from incubator to top-level Apache status .

[April 2013]: Continue to work with open-source, with a renewed emphases on mobile, wireless and "emerging technologies". Falling behind in my social media obligations (blogs, wikis, facebook, etc), but all that means is that I'm doing my usual job of making things work behind the scenes.

[March 2014]: Working a lot with mobile applications, using things like nodejs and mongodb to build real applications for clients, mostly doing mobile web apps for portability rather than Worklight hybrid or full-on native Android or iOS SDKs. Also using Docker containers for managing software environments rather than full virtual machines.

Email or chat PeteDaGuru on IM (Google, Yahoo, MSN, AIM). I'm also on Facebook, LinkedIn and Plaxo
