Books about the PerlLanguage:
- ProgrammingPerl
- EffectivePerlProgramming - the author also has a cute PerlPatterns page.
- AdvancedPerlProgramming
- ThePerlCookbook
- PerlDevelopersGuide
- PerlBlackBook
See for a comprehensive listing of Perl books. See for a listing of Perl books arranged by difficulty. See DefinitivePerlBooks for Wiki's picks.
Recommendations heard somewhere: The Beginner should use LearningPerl. More advanced or somewhat familiar should use ProgrammingPerl. While both might profit from the ThePerlCookbook.
There are many other choices in learning and applying this language:
- BeginningPerl
- BeginningPerlForBioinformatics
- CgiProgrammingWithPerl, 2nd Ed
- DevelopingBioinformaticsComputerSkills
- HigherOrderPerl
- LearningPerlOnWinThirtyTwoSystems
- MasteringAlgorithmsWithPerl
- MasteringPerlTk
- MasteringRegularExpressions
- ModPerlPocketReference
- PerlAndCgiForTheWorldWideWeb
- PerlBestPractices
- PerlCdBookshelf
- PerlCgiAndJavaScript ISBN: 0-78212-780-0
- PerlCoreLanguage
- PerlDevelopersGuide
- PerlFivePocketReference, 3rd Edition
- PerlForSystemAdministration
- PerlForWebSiteManagement
- PerlHacks
- PerlInaNutshell
- PerlTestingADevelopersNotebook
- PerlTheProgrammersCompanion
- PerlTkPocketReference
- ProgrammingThePerlDbi
- ProgrammingWebGraphicsWithPerlAndGnuSoftware
- WritingApacheModulesWithPerlAndCee