Peer To Peer Data Storage

last modified: September 24, 2004

A type of DistributedDataStorage where data is scattered among numerous peer nodes, which may (or may not) be geographically distributed, and the role of a centralized authority/repository (such as a RelationalDatabase engine) is minimized or eliminated.

Advantages of peer-to-peer (many of these advantages are theoretical; as production-quality peer-to-peer systems that can compete with a BigIron RDBMS like Oracle simply don't exist).

And, the advantages of the server-based system (including things like replicated databases, where a single logical database is scattered across multiple systems).

Note that the issues discussed here are largely orthogonal to the RelationalModel--a NetworkDatabase is just as capable as a RelationalDatabase at addressing the above. (However, the most mature DBMS products are RDBMS's).
